Fun Facts About Barb

  • Barb Sulfridge School Bus Driver

    School Bus Driver

    As a young wife, Barb drove a school bus.  On her first day on the job, some junior high students lit a smoke bomb in her bus.  It was just the beginning of 3 1/2 years of "adventures."     

  • Barb Sulfridge Planting Trees

    Tree Planter

    While her husband was on chemotherapy, Barb again worked for the Forest Service planting trees.  It was a short-lived job as she came down with mononucleosis.  Due to her husbands’ low immune system, she had to be quarantined at her mother’s until she recovered.  

  • Campground Host

    Barb and her husband were campground hosts with the US Forest Service one summer.  It was a great job until the campers arrived. Many were clueless about camping. We were both mentors, rule enforcers, and occasionally referees in fights. 

  • Barb Sulfridge and a Crow


    One of Barb's morning tasks as a teacher in a one-room schoolhouse involved starting the fire in the woodstove. One morning after tossing a match on the kindling, a racket ensued inside the firebox. She threw open the door as a very angry, and slightly singed, crow flew out. She was able to chase it out the door with a broom.  It appeared to have been okay... 

  • Barb Sulfridge as an Ambulance Driver

    EMT & Ambulance Driver

    Barb worked as a volunteer ambulance driver in Lowman. She later went on to become an EMT.  Her first run involved a plane crash where thankfully, only the plane was damaged.    She never liked motorcycle wrecks and begs riders to wear helmets!

  • Barb Sulfridge White Water Rafting

    White Water Rafter

    With great reluctance, Barb gave up whitewater rafting after five of eight rafters were catapulted into the river on her last run.  Carrying the raft during a portage was also tricky with two artificial hips.   

  • Barb Sulfridge at the Cabin

    Woodlands Wanderer

    Now retired, Barb enjoys writing at her friend Marsha's cabin in the mountains. Marsha is also an author and connected Barb with her writing coach. Don't be too jealous though; there is no electricity, running water, or indoor plumbing.