Look for the Silver Lining
Barb wanted to do an inspirational speech to start off the new year.
In the past, she has often found it difficult to “get through” January.
All the excitement and busyness of Christmas is over.
Long, dark days and cold weather can cause us to hole up in our nice warm homes.
On top of that, our well-intended New Year’s resolutions can be hard to keep, and we might be discouraged with ourselves.
The daily news can be downright depressing.
No wonder January is designated National Mental Health Month.
It’s a perfect time of year to consider that good things can indeed come from bad situations.
Light can be found in our darkest days.

Women Worry: What’s a Gal to Do?
According to the National Institute for Mental Health (NIH), 33% of all women meet the criteria for anxiety disorder. Can you believe it? We worry. We even experience what is called anticipatory anxiety. We worry about things that might happen, which is like bleeding before we are even hurt.

Christmas Calamities
Two weeks ago, Barb’s daughter and son-in-law celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary. Jim was all she had hoped for as a husband to her youngest daughter, Virginia. They were a good fit for each other, and it was very apparent he loved her dearly.
She decorated with extra care that year and planned an exquisite Christmas Eve meal for their first year as a couple, but things didn’t go exactly as she had hoped.

When To Let Go. When to Hold On.
A long pause hung in the air between us. Before she even sighed, I knew the answer would be the same. Heather was sentimental about many of her belongings, but this former plaything was not one of them. Even in its prime, Ann was never a beautiful doll, but now she was nearly forty years old and looked it.

How To Bless Without Burnout
Are you a compassionate person? Do you love to listen to others and encourage them in their Christian faith? Me too! But I’ve been evaluating my time and purpose, finding my identity in exactly who Christ wants me to be and what I am to do to avoid “burnout.”

From Dealing with Bullies
Why am I being bullied?’ I have asked myself regarding a small group of people I cannot avoid.

8 Ways to Express Sympathy
Today, as I cleaned up my office, I came across a card given to me when my father died in 1900. I have kept this condolence card for 34 years. Why is it so important to me?

How to Minister to the Critically Ill And Their Families
The get-well cards kept coming, day after day. I hung them from the walls of different hospital rooms in different facilities. I pinned them on bulletin boards during brief stays in a nursing home and then a rehab facility. There was hope and then one complication after another.
I realized my husband might not get well. Then, after 123 days in different medical facilities, he was healed in Heaven.
My advice today is based on my reflections after caring for my spouse during his final days. I included things that were helpful to both of us and things that weren’t. My hope is that they might spark an idea of how to be a blessing to others in physical or emotional pain.

Pines in the Wasteland
Have you ever felt the adrenaline rush of hiking some of Earth’s finest forests? If not, you have likely pulled off at a scenic overlook on a mountain pass. For me, it’s all about the hike; the higher, the better. Even though I have two artificial hips, I still push my body to its limits. The view is always worth the sore muscles.

Standing Firm in Your Faith
God’s word instructs us to draw strength from the Lord. When I reflect on these words, I am reminded that God is the trustworthy source of our strength. “Be strong” is more accurately translated as “be strengthened.”

The Accidental Speaker
My eyes travel from table to table, where spring flowers emit a sweet aroma. How is it that I have just been ushered to the head table? How is it that I am the featured speaker at a Christian Woman’s Club luncheon?

Filled While Chilled
Note to Readers: This content can be used in two ways. First, as a small group activity – Marked “Group.” With the text in italics.
However, it can also be read as an individual encouragement. Just skip the italicized “Group” sections.
May it bless you either way, and Happy New Year!

Beacon Blesses the Grieving
According to his owner, Beacon appears to have a sixth sense and will gravitate to the grieving. He has been trained to sit with widows, small children, or anyone in need of some extra comfort during funeral services. Jamin also takes him on visits to nursing homes, hospitals, and the Ronald McDonald House throughout the Yakima Valley in Washington.

“A Goat for Christmas?”
In honor of His birth, please consider the reason for the season. Sharing Christ’s love might be as simple as connecting with someone in need of Hope in your neighborhood.

Traveling with Others? Here’s How to Avoid Travel Nightmares
Thinking of traveling with a friend or family member? Think it through. How to avoid travel nighmares!